Light a Light by Rachel Harris, December 2016
Intro: Asus2 x4
Asus2Asus2 Cmaj7 Em7 Asus2 Asus2 Cmaj7Em7
Light a light, light a light, light a tiny light in the darkness
Asus2Asus2 Cmaj7Em7 Asus2 Asus2 Cmaj7Em7 Asus2 x4
Light a light, light a light, eight tiny lights on the darkest nights
We don’t hope for 1,000 lights, inferno grand and awesome
A miracle shorter than the count of ten will not be forgotten
Light a light, light alight, eight tiny lights on the darkest nights
Cmaj7 Em7 Cmaj7 Em7 Cmaj7 Em7 Cmaj7 Em7Asus2 x4
The bricks held, the sky cleared, the oil burned, they hoped and feared
The smallest things are never seen in the bright sun shine of August
On the shortest days of the year tiny lights will acknowledge
Light a light, light a light, eight tiny lights on the darkest nights
The bricks hold, the sky clears, the oil burns, we hope and fear
A candle sits on the window sill, strange shadows fill my room
Light my face, make us whole, let relief come soon
Light a light, light a light, light a tiny light in the darkness
Light a light, light a light, eight tiny lights on the darkest nights
In the inky black all seems lost but not with a tiny light